The Power and Art of Persuasion in Marketing

You should be able to find several indispensable facts about science education in the following paragraphs. If there's at least one fact you didn't know before, imagine the difference it might make.

You can see that there's practical value in learning more about science education. Can you think of ways to apply what's been covered so far?

Are you worried on how you are going to influence your friends, colleagues, and even the people around you? Yes, it is really pretty hard to win some ones heart and trust and draw them to accept your ideas, your actions, and even to let them do what you want for them to do. This time, erase that worries from your mind because we have the power and art of persuasion that will solve that problem.

To persuade people is to let them believe in you and let them do what you want them to do. I guess. It is pretty hard to do, isn't it? Try telling somebody to jump off at a hundred story building and promised to pay him $ 100,000,000.00 if he jumps. Well, I think my example is so exaggerated but what I am trying to say here is if you have that power and art of persuasion then you can let somebody do what you want them to do.

Have you seen the movie Troy or Alexander the Great? In that movie would have seen a lot of knights fighting with each other. When they fight, they always have this battle gears prepared. They always have an armor, a shield and of course a sword. Without these gears, they will be easily defeated. Same as with marketing, you are also battling with people to win them to believe in you. You must also have this great weapon prepared. This art and power of persuasion is the one that will bring you to a new level of marketing.

Now, lets talk about the armor, the shield, and the sword that are put together into one power of persuasion. The armor protects the whole body from arrows, spears and even bullets. In marketing, in order to protect your market, you must always have the armor of trust. Trust is integral in the idea of persuasion. It consumes a big part on persuasion, because it is where people start to see that they can rely on your actions and words. When you have the trust of the people, you just defeated the spear of doubt and the arrow of unbelief.

The second is the shield of logic. The shield is somewhat a metal that are used in the battle to protect the soldiers from frontal attacks. Logic is the art and science of reasoning in persuading people. You must always make sure the validity of your arguments when you persuade people. It must always be the truth and your point must always make a perfect sense. When you start to persuade people, sometimes they doubted everything you said but when you have this shield, you can use this to start charging in an open sniping areas on where you can use your sword.

The third and the last is the sword. In frontal battle, sword and shield always go together and you are stronger if you have this two. The shield will protect you when your enemy starts charging on you. Thanks to the shield because you can always have a chance to snip weak point of your enemy. Then when you have a chance, you can use your sword to charge back to your enemy. Surely you will win if you are a great and well trained fighter. In persuading people, you can charge them with your sword of emotion. When you put some emotions in your persuasion, it is like a sword that will pierce to the deepest part of their heart.

So now you know a little bit about science education. Even if you don't know everything, you've done something worthwhile: you've expanded your knowledge.
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